that we want to be told the truth?

We all individually have to stand up for the truth, whatever that may mean to us. Once that happens, I do believe things gotta change a little bit at a time, for the beauty and glory of altruism alone.
Yes, I do believe the truth is subjective based upon our perceptions. However - if we speak our truth, what ever that may be - it is authentic based upon our beliefs etc etc etc. If we could all do that, in the moment we could at least begin a dialogue that will create a continuum that can create a process of engagement of real and critical value.
And yes, listening with respect and concentrated acceptance of another truth is also part of this. (That's a whole other topic of discussion.)
My main concern is around allowing and giving ourselves permission to be open, to know who we are, what we believe and what we have to say. We've hid and refused to listen to and own our voices for way too long. The state of our government, conditions of our public schools, financial systems are mirroring back to us that we have not taken responsibility and stood solidly up for what is important to us.
We must search our souls, cherish our truth and unleash our voices and be heard.
Each and every one of us, has got what it takes to make a difference. It's time.
xox, That's my truth!
PS What's yours?